TASK International is proud to be one of only 27 networks that are members of the Forum of Firms.
The Forum is an association of international networks whose objective it is to promote consistent and high quality standards of financial and auditing practices globally.
As a member, TASK is required to notify the Secretary of the Forum the following: TASK members have transnational audit appointments or are interested in accepting such appointments. TASK International, as a Forum member, requires that its members promote the consistent application of high-quality auditing practices worldwide, including the use of ISAs (International Standards on Auditing), and support the convergence of national standards with ISAs.

Quality Control Standards
Members must maintain appropriate quality control standards in accordance with International Standards on Quality Control, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, in addition to relevant national quality control standards. Members must also conduct, to the extent not prohibited by national regulation, regular globally coordinated internal quality assurance reviews.

Audit Conduct
Members must have policies and methodologies for the conduct of transnational audits that are based, to the extent practicable, on ISAs.

Members must have policies and methodologies which conform to the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and national codes of ethics.